
Terminal hide icons
Terminal hide icons

To make folders appear first right click on your checkbox and select Sorting ‣ Folder First. To make your sorting of desktop icons case sensitive right click on the desktop and select Sorting ‣ Case Sensitive. To sort back to the way you had before right click and select Sorting ‣ Ascending. To reverse the order of sorting right click on the desktop and select Sorting ‣ Descending. To return to sorting by name right click on the desktop and select Sorting ‣ By File Name. To sort by how large each file is right click on the desktop Sorting ‣ By File Size. To rearrange your files by when they were last modified right click on the desktop Sorting ‣ By Modification Time. To paste a file right click and select Paste and this shares things you have copied in PCManFM-Qt. To create a new blank file on your desktop right click on it and select Create New ‣ Blank File. To create a new folder on your desktop right click and select Create New ‣ Folder. If you have hidden files in your desktop and want to toggle showing them right click on your desktop, check/uncheck, and select the Show Hidden checkbox.

terminal hide icons

If you want to not see all your icons to show off your awesome desktop right click on the desktop background and select Hide Desktop Items. If an executable is not trusted it will have an ! on the icon. If you have an new executable file on your desktop and always want to run it right click and select Trust this executable. If you move a desktop icon and then want to move it back right click and uncheck Stick to current Position. To move a desktop icon hold left click and drag the icon to the desired position. If you want to view or edit a desktop file say for launching an application is to right click on the icon open with and select say a text editor like FeatherPad to open file.

terminal hide icons

Shortcuts or desktop entry files can be opened by double click on the icon. The icons on your desktop can be moved by left clicking, holding and dragging the desktop icon to the position you want it.

Terminal hide icons